TTSC DEMO TEAM The TTSC DEMO TEAM was formed in March 2003. We are very grateful to Master TL Loh for his approval to form this team, and his guidance throughout the training sessions has helped us develop tremendously. We started out with scarce knowledge of demonstration skills, only full of inspiration and admiration to those people we've seen on demo videos and internet demo movie clips. We wondered how they did those kicks with wonderful acrobatic skills and such. We wanted to be like them! We knew we could but didn't know where to begin. The 540 kick was a revelation to us all. We jumped, we giroed, we crashed.... it was all in a hard day's training every weekend. We learned that learning and training to do demo wasn't all that easy, but nothing is impossible if your heart truly desires it! This is when we really understood what perseverance and indomitable spirit really was. It's all about the Taekwondo spirit. Be all that you want to be and yes! you can! We are proud to say that we have a great Master indeed. =) Our goal is to promote Taekwondo and the TTSC to everyone everywhere, and show them what Taekwondo is all about. Current demo team members :- 1. Fazila Jaamad - 2nd Dan 2. Zarina Jaamad - 2nd Dan 3. Tan Thye Shin - 2nd Dan 4. Zulkifli Jaamad - 1st Dan 5. Tan Yong Ee - 1st Dan 6. Lee Chin Yang - 1st Dan 7. Lee Gi Hun - 2nd Poom 8. Sofia Jaamad - 1st Poom 9. Chua Poh Chu - 1st Dan 10. Shirlyn Goh Si Ling - 1st Dan 11. Ng Leet Wei - 1st Dan 12. Saw Sook Fen - 1st Dan 13. Siti Syazana Ridzuan - Red 2