14th Asian Games - Busan 2002 coverage

Exponents Out To Kick Up A Storm - The Star, September 22nd 2002

This article is all about the Malaysian Taekwondo team for the 14th Asian Games in Busan.

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This article is focused on Elaine who is in the Malaysian Taekwondo team for the 14th Asian Games in Busan.

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Wan Yuen Makes Comeback - The Star, August 20th 2002

Report regarding Wan Yuen's Comeback and the 14th Asian Games in Busan. As stated in the report, Elaine Teo will be taking part in the 14th Asian Games.

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Interschool Championship 2002 - China Press (Malacca Edition), August 11th 2002

Report regarding the Interschool Championship 2002. One of the pictures below shows the Taerobic Demonstration.

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